Monday, July 15, 2013

A little background on how our journey started........

Have you ever felt as if life was passing you by?  That if you could just stop the clock, slow down and be able to live each day without checking your email at least 20 times, or facebook, or running errands, returning a book to the library, the grocery store for that one forgotten item, fielding phone calls with the Cable TV or Insurance Company, making dinner, doing laundry, going to work, dealing with your child's puberty......ok maybe that was to much information to share. You get the picture.

Life tends to get so complicated that you forget what is important.  The people you love growing older, the laughter of your child reading a book, going out with your girlfriends to a movie, alone time with your husband.  To be able to live life with little regrets and to make a lifetime of memories with those you love.  Life can be changed at any time.  All those carefully laid plans that we make, saving for vacation, working over time to complete the task, putting of that yearly physical.  Someday.  Someday.  Someday.  When will that someday be?  And what will you have missed in the meantime?

After watching my 18 yr old nephew, my baby sisters only child, take his last breath in December after a long illness and losing my dad at the young age of 65 yrs old to cancer, my priorities started to change.

Watching my husband leave for work each week and be gone for days at a time when my growing son needed him, as did I, it made me think, what are we doing and where are our lives headed?  What is the point of having a family when you don't see each other and aren't involved in each others daily life?  Life can be taken away from you at a moments notice, it was time to take control of our lives and prioritize.

In January I sat with my husband Joe and we made a decision to sell our beautiful Florida house with all the bells and whistles, to quit our jobs and to take off for a few months, to not only explore our beautiful country around us, but to also strengthen our family and go back to the basics.  I have homeschooled our son, Gabe, for the last 5 years, what better life lesson could there be for a growing 13 yr old boy?  My husbands baby sister Tina decided to throw caution to the wind and join us.  I decided to start a blog of our journey across the United States and what we find along the way.  I hope you stop in and see how we are doing.  For better or for worse, till death do us part.  Which after 3 months in a 21 foot Toyota Camper, may be sooner than you think:)

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